Monday, July 31, 2006

Kana: Mr Green-Helmet

A scathing look at Pallywood's putrid efforts, to spin the civilian deaths caused by Hizbollah into anti-Israeli propaganda.

Mr Green Helmet (386K)
(Right-click and "Save as...")

(Graphic: the Star of the Story, GreenHelmet himself)
!!-Please share this MP3 with friends and acquaintances!-!!

Hizbollah HQ in Lebanon:


‘Allo! Hizb’ollah Bunker, Four Floors Down! All the Propaganda that’s Fit to Sh-


Green what?

Oh, Meester Green Helmet, or The Compassionate Face of Hizb’ollah Child Deaths,

as we like to call him… yes, I know him…

When? No, I’m sorry, you can’t book him then, he has a corpse displaying photo-op outside Tyre then…

When? Lemme see… yes… NO! Sorry, he’s going to a dead-children at Bint Jbail photo op at that time.

What? Well, no, you’re right of course, the Iz-ray-eelis haven’t bombed it yet, but not to worry, Hizbollah will make SURE there are dead Lebanese civilians there,

(confidentially) whether or not the Jews bomb them.

See? Win – Win! They leave our bunkers unbombed? We rain death on Jew civilians! They bomb our bunkers? We cry BEEG tears to BBC, CNN and al-Reuters!

But I have an opening for you… say, afternoon, two days from now? Mr Green Helmet will be at your village, along with al-Jazeera and other media…

What? OF COURSE he’ll bring the dead children, maggotty corpses and headless babies!

What do you take us for, fools?

I’m sorry, Sadiq, I don’t know that word. What is a ‘ghouls’?


Kana/Qana: The SHAME of Hizb'ollah!

By forcing its civilian population to remain near military targets, Hizb'ullah displays its vile lack of courage, its moral bankruptcy and its willingness to use DEAD Lebanese for propaganda, to dissemble and to obfuscate the truth.

Pallywood, thy name is SICK!

Hizb'ollah "Social Work" Exposed! (290K)
(Right-Click and "Save as...")

By using civilians to defend themselves, they demonstrate their craven disregard for moral decency, justice, truth or law! They SHAME THEMSELVES, as the graphic above shows!

(Tip of the Karridine Kepi to EU Referendum, linked above as 'obfuscate the truth!')

“Received as successful resistance fighters and armed to the teeth, they stored rockets in bunkers in our town as well. The social work of the Party of God (Hizb'ullah) consisted in building a school and a residence over these bunkers!

Dr. Mounir Herzallah, quoted in Berlin-Wedding

A local sheikh explained to me laughing that the Jews would lose in any event because the rockets would either be fired at them or if they attacked the rocket depots, they would be condemned by world opinion on account of the dead civilians. These people do not care about the Lebanese population, they use them as shields, and, once dead, as propaganda. As long as they (Hizb’ullah) continue existing there, there will be no tranquility and peace."

Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Seattle Shooting: Cowardice Bigtime!

Haq, the Muslim anti-American, hid behind a 13-year-old girl to force his way in!

Anti-Jewish hatred is its own punishment, but there's more to this than meets the eye:

Interview with Sheik YrMullah! (371K)
Right-Click and "Save as..."

(Graphic: the great, heroic, woman-killing jihadi... humiliated, and in custody!)

(Interview with Sheik YrMoolah)

Seattle? Haq slimeball coward shoots 6 women?

-Angry about America, nothing to do with his being Muslim…

Bali bombing?

-Frustrated at so much kffir tourism…

Beslan massacre?

-Severe halitosis, and-

Hizbollah atrocities against the Lebanese?

-Driven mad by widespread athlete’s foot! Look, you are trying to pin something on Muslims, when the truth is Muslims follow a religion of peace-

You mean “Dar ul Islam”?

-Yes, a peaceful peace-

Of all humans dominated by Muslims, paying tribute to Muslims, dying at the hands of Muslims who do not recognize the One, promised by the Prophet Muhammad, even though He came in the year 1260!

-Aiee! You know about Islamic ‘peace’?

Do you know about the Glory of God, Baha’u’llah?

-Oh, no, no! The people MUST turn toward the imams and mullahs-

Does ‘taqiyyah’ REALLY mean ‘lying to hide the truth’?

-gasp!- You know about taqiyyah? Then… uhm… you have worn out your welcome and this interview is over! The 12th Imam will soon come to chastise you-

In the year 1260?

-Yes! Uh, NO! Goodbye!

Countdown of the Memes: July 30, 2006 CE

And NOW!

The Karridine Kountdown of the Top Ten Tropes for July 30, 2006CE.

Maelstrom of the Memes- July 30 (1260K)
(Right-click and "Save as...")


Maelstrom of the Memes:

Countdown for the Top Ten Tropes: July 30, 163BE

10. Starting off this week with a brief reminder that I do NOT create these memes, nor do I necessarily endorse them by reporting them. For example, this week’s Number Ten, “Hezb’ollah is Iran’s Sock-Puppet!” I don’t know if this is absoluly true, but it IS a meme showing up on blogs and news wires this week as they recognize Iran’s role in attacking Israel by proxy.

9. Number 9: related, the Meme that “Hamas is a proxy of Syria! Monkeys on a string! Mindless kill-bots motivated by anger and ignorance!” Maybe that’s why GWBush spoke quietly to Syria, whose chinless, spineless opthamologist KNOWS Bush carries the world’s biggest stick and is NOT afraid to use it!

8. The UN again showed the world its now-infamous and stereotypical uselessness this week, seeking action AGAINST Israel for targetting Hizb’ollah fighters who were using unarmed UN observers for human shields! The UN has utterly FAILED in its guarantee to keep the Lebanese border region from being re-militarized, which was the ONLY reason Israel left in the first place, in the year 2000! Oh, and late this week, Kofi finally DID order the withdrawal of Hizb’ollah-shield units, in part because they were being targetted by Hizb’ollah’s thug terrorists!

7. The UN observer, hurt when Hizb’ollah attracted too much Israeli shelling, too close to the UN position, was rescued by IDForces, and helicoptered to an Israeli hospital, where his life was saved!

6. Thugs: “Thugs, We Are Thugs, and We’ll Kill You Like Thugs As We fight for the right to enslave you…” These Hizb’ollah losers and chumps are tripping over their own moral midget-hood and their burning hatred for Jews! Which leads to our Top 5 Stories, starting with #5,

5. Ahmadi-Nejad STILL making public and private threats and rallying support to KILL Israelis, Jews and Baha’is, and STILL taking public actions NOT TO ALLOW democratic self-determination in the nation of birth of the Lord of Hosts. Just Saturday (July 29, 2006) Ahmadi-nejad began a nation-wide process to put Iran on a war footing, declaring “This is OUR war!” and letting Iranians know they’re about to be seriously chastised by the 12th Imam.

4. New in the #4 position this week, it looks like God is NOT coming to rescue the 3rd-Generation Jordyptian exiles, this time, as they ‘taste … what their hands have wrought!’ Israeli troops excised a pustulent, diseased element named Hani Awijan, 29 in Nablus, Gaza. One more link in the chain oppressing Jordyptians AND Israelis, GONE!

3. Leading to this week’s #3 story, the festering New York Times treasonous, anti-American ‘leaks’ are being investigated, by a US federal grand jury, because the foul stench emanating from the Times’ stercoraceous acts besmirches ALL who guide the policies of the NYTimes, and covers them in the gore of innocents!

2. Nearly at the top this week, one of those memes which may seem unrelated, but because Christ used Saint Peter to warn humankind AGAINST the ‘damnable heresy’ of scoffing and denying Christ had returned, this question is relevant to today, as

Saint Peter warned us against this ‘damnable heresy’, but Christian clergy are doing it anyway, (II Peter 2:1) leading good people around the world to believe that Christ has NOT come again, in His new name, as if Jesus lied or made 3 ignorant mistakes in His choice of words! (Matt 24:14, Luke 21:24, Matt 24:15)

… And now,

The most important and widely discussed story of this week is the determination by Israel to take effective action to save itsself, stop the rain of Katyushas and clean out pockets of purulent ignorance and violence on or near the borders of the Holy Land!

As of the time of this recording (early Sunday morning PST) there are reports of the brave, courageous ‘Hizbollah’ and ‘Hamas’ “LEADERSHIP” (oxymoron anyone?) hiding in the Iranian embassy, cowering from the Israelis, and whining to the UN, while tens of thousands of Christian Lebanese courageously declare their support for and approval of Israel’s efforts so far!

Well, this next week will see the further unfolding of the Events in the Middle East, and around the world, so visit again on the 6th when once again, we’ll have this Kountdown of the Top Ten Memes and Tropes at (signoff).

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Charitable Thoughts: Act Now

I tip the Karridine Kepi to SwampRat, who (along with the inimitable Amalie) suggested I share this recorded appeal for charitable help with you.

Its an appeal for donations and contributions to the Hizb'ollah:

Help Now! (322K)
(Right-Click and "Save as...")

Get this one out to your friends!

(Graphic: Nazis-in-training, Hizb'ollah-Hitler Youth at Tyre, Lebanon)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Hezb'Cola! Heavy Duty, Not for Faint of Heart!

Tip of the Karridine Kepi to Baron Bodissey and Dymphna, for their excellent graphic AND lucid explanation of WHY laughter is such a potent weapon for the good guys in this bloody, humorless war! God LOVES Laughter!

Hezb'Cola! (138K)
(Right-Click and "Save as...")


We Are NOT Sock-Puppets, Am I?

A wicked little take on Ace of Spades' "lack of insight" and Sky-is-Red-Shawn's obvious mistrake, as I investigate "The Glenn Greenwald Phenomenon!"

GG! 340K
(Right-Click to "Save as...")


I am Ellison!

“I am Ellison!”

“And I am Wilson!”

We are NOT sock puppets. We are REAL people!

Yes. I am a real people!


Sorry, Person.

I only praise Glenn because he is an honest, and praiseworthy person!

I praise Professor Greenwald because he is an honorable, NYTimes best-selling author, a true success in any case, and a noted Constitutional law law-yer

Glenn is a best-selling author! Shawn does not think the sky is BLUE!

Greenwald is an honorable man! Ace of Spades is a loser!

GG: Now, gentlemen, please! There’s no need for antagonism. The blogs of reason, rational thinking and rightness are just jealous of my huge following and my fluent flogging of their pitiful-

Where do YOU begin? Where?

I begin at the elbow. Where do YOU begin?

Glenn ends at the shoulder, and I begin at the wrist! So there. I am an au-tomo-


Autonomous, Self-Governing…

Yes! That’s it! I am not a fraud!

And we are united in our praise of the totally authentic, truly humble and non-sockpuppet-using Glenn! YOU are just jealous of Greenwald. Go. Take your jealousy with you! Glenn is an HONORABLE man! Aren’t we? (signed: George Harleigh)

Update: July 22, 2020PM: This just found, catching Glenn in flagrante delicioso

"I just found some old posts of Bloggerhead's where he'd given his email as something like I was looking at the history of the Greenwald/Goldstein Affair (so to speak) and so was looking near the beginning of this year." from Protein Wisdom

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

"I Love You Too, Cecilia Lucas!"

Iowahawk's latest about-to-become Classic:

Ode to a Useful Idjit: from Omar Hezbollah! (938K)
(Right-Click and "Save as...")


Monday, July 24, 2006

Israel, Today!

A short, punchy examination of HOW this situation in Lebanon came about, and the UN's key role in it all:

Israel Today! (788K)
(Right-Click and "Save as...")


Lay Off Greenwald!

Someone calling himself "Bill Whittle" posted this spirited defense of Gleen Grenwald.

No, I'm serious! No more sock-puppetry!

Gleen! (753K)
(Right-Click and "Save as...")



You Guys need to lay off Glenn Greenwald RIGHT NOW! I am SO SERIAL!! Although we have never actually “met,” I have been following him discretely for some time now, maintaining a demure distance – behind the dumpster across the street, say, or in the bushes outside his window.

Yes, yes – we all know about his NYT best Sellers and Congressional readings. But did you know that: Glenn Greenwald is the father of every kid in this town! Glenn Greenwald once showed me a video of him making love to my wife, and it was the most beautiful thing I ever saw!

One time I was with Greenwald in the back of a pickup truck, along with a live deer. Greenwald goes up to the deer and says, 'I'm Glenn Greenwald! SAY IT!' Then he manipulates the deer's lips in such a way as to make it say, 'GlennGreenwald' ... It wasn't exactly like it, but it was pretty good for a deer!'

He hated Mexicans! And he was half Mexican! ... And he hated irony! He did 3 tours in 'Nam... I was in Corpus Christi on business a month ago. I had this eight foot tall Asian waiter, which made me curious. I asked him his name. Sure enough it's Ho Tran Greenwald!

Did I ever tell you about the time Greenwald took me out to get a drink with him? We go off looking for a bar and we can't find one. Finally Greenwald takes me to a vacant lot and says, 'Here we are.' We sat there for a year and a half and sure enough someone constructs a bar around us. The day they opened we ordered a shot, drank it, and then burned the place to the ground. Greenwald yelled over the roar of the flames, 'Always leave things the way you found em!'

Glenn Greenwald had a four day heart attack... a day for each chamber. At the autopsy, they said his heart looked like a basketball filled with riccotta cheese. He once punched a hole in a cow just to see who was coming up the road. He taught me how to make love to a woman, and how to scold a child. They found $60 in change in his stomach. He date-raped David Bowie. He once inhaled a seagull, then he killed Wolfman Jack with a trident.

He drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls. He sired a baseball team. (an orchestra if you count the bastards!) You know, he would shoot whiskey into his neck with a syringe! Glenn Greenwald was a 10 foot monster who slept with all our wives! And punched us all in the face! And we loved him for it! He orchestrated the merger between Unicef and Smith & Wessen. Did I ever tell you about the time Greenwald went hunting? Greenwald decides he's going to hunt down all four of the Banana Splits. He stalks and kills every one of them with a machete. They all begged for their lives... except Fleagle. We once had a bachelor party for Greenwald. He ate the entire cake before we could tell him there was a stripper in it.

Greenwald once hosted the Grammys and gave every award to Corey Hart. Greenwald's family crest is a picture of a barracuda eating Neil Armstrong. And, tragically, last but not least: It was the sight of Greenwald's naked body that drove Brian Wilson insane. (signoff)

The "ChickenHawk" Slur

Tip of the Karridine Kepi to Jeff Jacoby: here's his sterling dissection of

The ChickenHawk Attack! (568K)
(Right-click and "Save as...")



Jeff Jacoby on the progressive blogosphere’s favorite dishonest slur: Are you a ‘chicken hawk?’

“Chicken hawk“ isn’t an argument. It is a slur — a dishonest and incoherent slur. It is dishonest because those who invoke it don’t really mean what they imply — that only those with combat experience have the moral authority or the necessary understanding to advocate military force. After all, US foreign policy would be more hawkish, not less, if decisions about war and peace were left up to members of the armed forces. Soldiers tend to be politically conservative, hard-nosed about national security, and confident that American arms make the world safer and freer. On the question of Iraq — stay-the-course or bring-the-troops-home? — I would be willing to trust their judgment. Would Cindy Sheehan and Howard Dean?

The cry of “chicken hawk” is dishonest for another reason: It is never aimed at those who oppose military action. But there is no difference, in terms of the background and judgment required, between deciding to go to war and deciding not to. If only those who served in uniform during wartime have the moral standing and experience to back a war, then only they have the moral standing and experience to oppose a war. Those who mock the views of “chicken hawks“ ought to be just as dismissive of “chicken doves.”

In any case, the whole premise of the “chicken hawk“ attack — that military experience is a prerequisite for making sound pronouncements on foreign policy — is illogical and ahistorical. ...

You don’t need medical training to express an opinion on healthcare. You don’t have to be on the police force to comment on matters of law and order. You don’t have to be a parent or a teacher or a graduate to be heard on the educational controversies of the day. You don’t have to be a journalist to comment on this or any other column.

And whether you have fought for your country or never had that honor, you have every right to weigh in on questions of war and peace. Those who cackle “Chicken hawk!” are not making an argument. They are merely trying to stifle one, and deserve to be ignored.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Home Improvement Around Glenn's Place

Tip o'the Karridine Kepi to Chris-the-Professor, (and 25% of all tangible earnings from this script and my performances of it!) for his timely tip to recast the Real Authentic Sock-Puppets Ellison and Wilson as Al(lison) and Wilson Wilson, from "Home Improvement"...

Another Oscar-winning performance:
Home Improvement at the Greenwald Residence (382K)
(Right-click and "Save as...")

(Chris, the vocal qualities of Wilson and Al are not well-known-enough to warrant a day or two of mimicking and practicing to impersonate them. I decided to go with this, after 3 takes!)


GG: (lisping and poofy) [ loud banging in the background ] *El/Al* irony

ELLISON! What’s our neighbor up to?

El Borin: Manly, sincere voice: Just a minute, I’ll check… Wilson, what ARE you doing?

Wilson Wilson: nasal, whiny moonbat: I’m … putting up… a sign…

El Borin: Ah… certainly. What does your sign warn of?

Wilson: Doesn’t warn, it’s a Wanted sign.

GG: Wanted? What could you possibly want?

Wilson: (bang-bang) Well, a little privacy might be nice

El: Won’t Glenn’s Brazilian friend, Tim, leave you alone?

Wilson: (bitterly) Oh, its much more than that! He’s laughing and sneering and ALWAYS making jokes about how my SOCKS need cleaning, or changing, or drying out once in a while…

El: Whoa. That is crude, and suggestive

GG: Are you two making fun of my heroic man-monkey from Brazil?

El: Uhm, actually, we were discussing privacy, and I was going to ask why this sign says “Internet Café-Come Inside!”

Wilson: Because its better than coming outside

El: I mean, The Internet Café part! What’s that about?

Wilson: Well, GG is letting John Swanson use his laptop, and he lets you use it, and then HE uses it, and then I use it… we might as well rent the laptop out, as long as people are intimately informed of Glenn’s curricula vitae AND agree to speak well of him IN A STYLE that closely follows HIS

GG: So you’re making fun of me? And why does Ellison say you want some privacy? My Brazilian friend too much man for you? (simper)

El: That seems to be the real heart meat of the problem, Glenn

GG: What? He can’t have any privacy? He can close the door, can’t he? It’s his house, isn’t it? He’s alone, isn’t he?

El: He can’t find a door that shuts us out, without simultaneously killing himself, Glenn.

(with help from George Harleigh)

Update: Visuals for this HERE!

Friday, July 21, 2006

I AM NOT a Sock-Puppet, are we?

A wicked little take on Ace of Spades' "lack of insight" and Sky-is-Red-Shawn's obvious mistrake, as I investigate "The Glenn Greenwald Phenomenon!"

GG! 340K
(Right-Click to "Save as...")


I am Ellison!

“I am Ellison!”

“And I am Wilson!”

We are NOT sock puppets. We are REAL people!

Yes. I am a real people!


Sorry, Person.

I only praise Glenn because he is an honest, and praiseworthy person!

I praise Professor Greenwald because he is an honorable, NYTimes best-selling author, a true success in any case, and a noted Constitutional law law-yer

Glenn is a best-selling author! Shawn does not think the sky is BLUE!

Greenwald is an honorable man! Ace of Spades is a loser!

GG: Now, gentlemen, please! There’s no need for antagonism. The blogs of reason, rational thinking and rightness are just jealous of my huge following and my fluent flogging of their pitiful-

Where do YOU begin? Where?

I begin at the elbow. Where do YOU begin?

Glenn ends at the shoulder, and I begin at the wrist! So there. I am an au-tomo-


Autonomous, Self-Governing…

Yes! That’s it! I am not a fraud!

And we are united in our praise of the totally authentic, truly humble and non-sockpuppet-using Glenn! YOU are just jealous of Greenwald. Go. Take your jealousy with you! Glenn is an HONORABLE man! Aren’t we? (signed: George Harleigh)

Update: July 22, 2020PM: This just found, catching Glenn in flagrante delicioso

"I just found some old posts of Bloggerhead's where he'd given his email as something like I was looking at the history of the Greenwald/Goldstein Affair (so to speak) and so was looking near the beginning of this year." from Protein Wisdom

Thursday, July 20, 2006

St Pancake Infirmary Blues

Dedicated to Grumpy Johnson, AmrilUSAguy, Miguel, St Pancake, DiminutiveElderlyLady, Rayra, WriterMom, LoppyD and THE REALIST CROWD at the Liza Droid Hangout...

St Pancake Infirmary Blues: 556K
Right-Click and "Save as..."

In the Koran: 510K (Why Hezb'ullah sings the blues!)
Right-Click and "Save as..."


Hajji Girl: As Prophecied

Whoa! Here it am, for all you patient ones:

Hajji Girl
Right-Click and "Save as..."


Doc Och in a Pinch! (Reality Series)

Here's another illegal NSA wire-tap, from the offices atop the Times building in downtown New Yawk, where an unnamed senior editor and co-conspirator struggles to make the New York Times a winning proposition once again!

Wrestling with Doc Och: 340K

Graphic: Day By Day, Chris Muir

A Moral Stand for Peace!

When YOU want to support peace efforts in the Middle East, there are some low-cost, high-return methods outlined (online) here:

Take A Stand!


Monday, July 17, 2006

Atlas Shrugged, Takes a Stand, FOR Israel!

Reporting from today's "Rally to Show Support for Israel!" comes Pamela, of the blog, Atlas Shrugged!

Here is the MP3 of her absolutely enthusiastic rush-report to Rush Limbaugh, a bright but fading star of the old-media galaxy, here nearly eclipsed by Pam's meteoric reporting of Americans courageously telling the UN, the Arab-terrorists and the world, "Strength and honor, freedom and life! THESE are Israel, as THESE are America!"

Pamela to Rush (900K)

Karridine for Pam/Rush (130K)

Graphic: The ever-lovely Pamela...


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Countdown of the Memes: July 16, 2006 CE

Here, for your listening pleasure, is this week's Kountdown of the Memes, from news sources and blogs across and around the blogosphere!

Maelstrom of the Memes: July 16, 2006CE

(Feedback and suggestions are welcome! If you believe some subject is being discussed more than what you hear here, Comment!)

Maelstrom of the Memes: Countdown for the Top Ten: July 16, 163BE

10. Starting off this week with a brief reminder that I do NOT create these memes, nor do I necessarily endorse them by reporting them. For example, this week’s Number Ten, “Hezb’ollah is Iran’s Sock-Puppet!” I don’t know if this is absoluly true, but it IS a meme showing up on blogs and news wires this week.

9. Number 9: related, the Meme that “Hamas is a proxy of Syria! Monkeys on a string! Mindless kill-bots motivated by anger and ignorance!” Maybe that’s why GWBush spoke quietly to Syria, whose chinless opthamologist KNOWS Bush carries the world’s biggest stick!

8. The UN showed the world its now-infamous and stereotypical uselessness this week, seeking action AGAINST Israel… and getting a verbal smackdown by the courageous and straight Bolton, who even got the NorKs to walk out by asking the pertinent question, “But why?”

7. Civilian contractor Brad Blauser deserves our gratitude for his selfless campaign to provide wheelchairs for Iraqi kids. MOSUL —Seeing a small Iraqi child smile when you give them a toy will make anyone smile themselves. Give an Iraqi child a wheelchair to change his or her life, will make the anyone choke up with emotion.

One special individual started a crusade to help disabled children in Iraq by providing wheelchairs to help make their lives a little more comfortable (and SURVIVABLE! Ed.) and to be able to enjoy their childhood years.

6. Thugs: Thugs, We Are Thugs, and We’ll Kill You Like Thugs As We fight for the right to enslave you…” These losers and chumps are tripping over their own moral midget-hood! Which leads to our Top 5 Stories, starting with #5,

5. Ahmadi-Nejad STILL making public and private threats and rallying support to KILL Israelis, Jews and Baha’is, and STILL taking public actions NOT TO ALLOW democratic self-determination in the nation of birth of the Lord of Hosts.

4. Holding at #4 position this week, it looks like God is NOT coming to rescue the 3rd-Generation Jordyptian exiles, this time, as they ‘taste … what their hands have wrought!’ Using the Gaza as a launch to viciously bombard Israelis, the Jordyptian thugs haven’t yet realized that their ‘reason’ for fighting ended a year ago when Israel abandoned the Gaza, and NOW world opinion supports Israel!

3. Leading to this week’s #3 story, the festering New York Times treasonous, anti-American ‘leaks’ investigation, as the Times sets its sights on illegally and immorally gutting yet another legal American effort at self-defense, the formerly-secret ‘rendition’ program. The foul stench emanating from this stercoraceous act besmirches ALL who guide the policies of the NYTimes, and covers them in the gore of innocents!

2. Nearly at the top this week, one of those memes which is a musical question: do the Christian clergy in your world ‘scoff and deny our Lord Who redeems us’? Saint Peter warned us against this ‘damnable heresy’, but Christian clergy are doing it anyway. (II Peter 2:1)

… And now,

The most important story of this week is the determination by Israel to take effective action to save its kidnapped soldiers, stop the rain of Katyushas and clean out pockets of purulent ignorance and violence on or near the borders of the Holy Land!

As of the time of this recording (early Sunday morning PST) there are reports of the brave, courageous ‘Hizbollah’ and ‘Hamas’ “LEADERSHIP” (oxymoron anyone?) hiding from the Israelis, and whining to the UN, while tens of thousands of Christian Lebanese courageously declare their support for and approval of Israel’s efforts so far!

Well, this next week will see the further unfolding of the Events in the Middle East, and around the world, so visit again on the 23rd when once again, we’ll have this Kountdown of the Top Ten Memes at (signoff).

Turnabout's Fair Play!

Quite a shock just now, as Mack of decided to record this mini-rant I posted in full view of Lizard Legions:

Push 1


Friday, July 14, 2006

Rachel & Her U-Tube Pals (er, Palis)

For those who think that Rachel Corrie was a heroic, courageous pioneer snuffed in the flower of her youth, here are four MP3s to celebrate who she was.

(Corrie was NOT Anne Frank):

Corrie One in B-flat

Corrie Two: Corrie, Too

Corrie Three: Poor Rachel

Corrie Four: Patron Saint!

Bonus: Its In the Koran

Bonus: Mesopotamian Watershed


Update July 15: First Days of the Self-Destructive Demise of Hizb'ullah: Welcome Liza Droids! Help yourself! Enjoy!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Brain Surgery Ethos & Rationale

You KNOW what I mean!

A simple, delicate adjustment to the world around you, create your own job, steer your own destiny, carpe your own diem... but what happens?

You get results that look like you just performed Brain-Surgery on yourself, and forgot to even sharpen your Spoons!

Well, you've come to the ONE PLACE in the blogosphere where you can find
Razor-Rimmed Spoons,
Double-Edged Spoons,
Stainless-Steel Chrome-Reverse
Feel-Sealed Long-Handle Spoons,
Eagle-Beak Quasi-Sharp Copper-Lined
Ultrasonic Spoons,
Squamous Sapphire Spoons...
and some you ain't NEVER heard of before! (Even the ever-popular Ginzoo Spunes!)

Each of the COLORED, Underlined links above leads to a pertinent MP3. Or an impertinent one!

Using words to scrape away at the accumulating, accreting and overlapping memes and tropes in our world today is like using spoons to perform delicate brain surgery!

So clamp your lid tight, button down your flaps AND your collar, and join me for the ride!


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Requested... and Delivered!

In response to an ever-diminishing number of requests (Tip of the Karridine Kepi to Kingston Trio), I'm placing these apolitical rhythmic concoctions up for your acoustic sampling:

Lonesome Road


Find the Cost of Freedom

(Lonesome Road courtesy J. Taylor)
(Redbird courtesy Fleetwood Mac)
(Cost of Freedom courtesy CSN&Y)

Sunday, July 09, 2006

July 9th: The BIG News!

163 years AFTER the 'Case of the Missing Millennium', we have this week's Countdown of the Memes:

Big News: July 9th

(Graphic: Israel in the News)

Maelstrom of the Memes: Countdown for the Top Ten: July 9, 163BE

10. Starting off this week with a newly-breaking and closely watched story, Britain’s big problem of allowing Muslim mouths to bray that the murderous subway explosions were somehow deserved! There are some signs, however, that British citizens are beginning to awake in greater number, to the huge and deadly threat posed by terrorists calling themselves Muslims. British and American listeners were apalled when they heard a Muslim cleric stating... the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center “changed many people’s lives”. After a pause, he brought the house down by adding: “Especially those inside.”

9. Falling to #9, Superman, the movie, opened for the 4th of July weekend, with a severely castrated Superman, crippled by leftist-loathing of America and unable to address ANY of the vital issues threatening America today! This Superman movie, seeking to earn money FROM Americans, is unwilling to let Superman be FOR Americans, and instead has Superman fighting for “…truth, justice and all that stuff…” How do spineless writers get to do big movies like this? For 40 years, in DC comix, Superman fought for “…truth, justice and the American way!

8. The UN showed the world’s approval of and encouragement of Israel, when the UN denounced Israel’s use of ‘disproportianate’ force in excising the purulent, diseased thugs and killers and kidnappers writhing in the slime of the toxic squats outside Israel.

7. Civilian contractor Brad Blauser deserves our gratitude for his selfless campaign to provide wheelchairs for Iraqi kids. MOSUL —Seeing a small Iraqi child smile when you give them a toy will make anyone smile themselves. Give an Iraqi child a wheelchair to change his or her life, will make the anyone choke up with emotion.

One special individual started a crusade to help disabled children in Iraq by providing wheelchairs to help make their lives a little more comfortable (and SURVIVABLE! Ed.) and to be able to enjoy their childhood years.

6. Thugs: “Thugs, We Are Thugs, and We Kill You Like Thugs” (except the Jordyptian thug-wannabees), who were humiliated again this week when they let themselves be photographed fighting IDF in the presence of THEIR OWN CHILDREN, oblivious to the danger of ‘work-accidents’! These losers and chumps are tripping over their own moral midget-hood! Which leads to our Top 5 Stories, starting with #5,

5. Ahmadi-Nejad STILL making public threats and rallying support to KILL Israelis, Jews and Baha’is, and STILL making public announcements NOT TO ALLOW democratic self-determination in the nation of birth of the Lord of Hosts.

4. Holding at #4 position this week, it looks like God is NOT coming to rescue the 3rd-Generation Jordyptian exiles, this time, as they ‘taste … what their hands have wrought!’ Electing Hamas, who whine and beg for a humiliating ‘hudna’, but Israel refuses to back off, all the while protecting Mount Carmel and the brave Israelis around it, from the depraved attacks from the seriously-deranged Jordyptians in the toxic squats outside Israel.

3. Leading to this week’s #3 story, the festering New York Times treasonous, anti-American ‘leaks’ investigation, as the Times sets its sights on illegally and immorally gutting yet another legal American effort at self-defense, the formerly-secret ‘rendition’ program. The foul stench emanating from this stercoraceous act besmirches ALL who guide the policies of the NYTimes, and covers them in the gore of innocents!

2. Nearly at the top this week, one of those memes which is a musical question:
do the Christian clergy in your world ‘scoff and deny our Lord Who redeems us’?
Saint Peter warned us against this ‘damnable heresy’, but Christian clergy are doing it anyway. (II Peter 2:1)

… And now,

The most important story of this week is the commemoration this week, around the world, of the brutal martyrdom of the Promised One, Who came fulfilling Jesus’ promises (Matt 24:14, Luke 21:24, Matt 24:15) in order to end the old world, a world of news at the speed of horse, change at the speed of crops, 98 people out of 100 being illiterate workers on the land with their lives at the mercy of the kingly-caste and the priests of their time and area.

The Holy One, whose title means “The Gate”, claimed to be the One to prepare the way for the Lord of Hosts, (as St John prepared the way for Jesus), Who would come soon after Him. The Gate, with an ordinary human body like Jesus’, that every eye could see, and speaking, like Jesus, with a human voice that every ear could hear, so inspired the people of 1844 and onward to 1850, that the CLERGY around Him subjected Him, like Jesus, to a humiliating mock trial, found Him guilty of calling the people to purity, trustworthiness, honesty and obedience to God, and therefore sentenced Him to death.

His death by firing squad was observed by more than 10,000 hostile onlookers, who jeered for Him to save Himself and the young believer who asked to die with Him, and jeered as the Armenian-Christian regiment lined up to kill Him, knowing of the Muslim prophecy that when the Promised One came, Muslims would kill Him, and when the Armenian-Christians killed Him, this woud PROVE Him a liar and imposter.

The order to fire, however, released 750 rifle-slugs at the breast of the Holy One so precious to Christians, being promised by no less than Jesus! But not ONE of the rifles hit the mark, instead, only cutting the ropes binding the Gate and His disciple!

The Christians marched out, their duty done, and within an hour a Muslim regiment had replaced them, to execute the pure and blameless One, Who this time told them, “Now I have completed My duty, you may do with Me as you please.”

250 lying, 250 kneeling and 250 standing riflemen aimed, and released a thunderous volley at face of the young disciple, covering His heart.

The force of the bullets drove the disciples head into the chest of the Holy One, and shattered –nay, splintered- every bone in their now-commingled bodies, except their faces, which bore not a mark!

Their bodies were cast on the banks of a nearby moat, and guards posted over them, but the birds and dogs refused to touch them, and, at great risk to themselves, shortly before dawn of the third day, followers of the Bab, the Gate of God, spirited away His mortal remains, and kept them safe from hostile Muslim governments, until they could be laid to a proper rest on Mount Carmel, in the Holy Land, where they are today, protected by Israel and America, and adored by millions around the world, who commemorate this day, July 9th, in devotion to Him Whom Christ sent.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

"Professor" Frisch's Final Exam

Help yourself, because it seems Frisch can't help ANYONE... it'd be sad, if it weren't so sad... her threats would be funny, if they weren't so sad...

Frisch's Final Exam


Deborah Frisch's final exam

Deborah Frisch
Adjunct Professor of Psychology
Psychology of Risk Assessment & Decisionmaking
Final Exam

You have one hour to complete this exam. Please mark your answers cleanly with either a #2 pencil or a mixture of human blood and animal feces.

1) A rational actor is offered one of two investment schemes. The first pays 5% profit per year with no risk. The second pays 20% per year with a 5% risk of catastrophic loss each year. Which investment scheme should a rational actor choose?

a) the low-profit, no-risk scheme

b) the high-risk, high-profit scheme

c) it depends upon the marginal utility the actor assigns to the higher profit

d) sinister lobsters from the dark dimension are gnawing through my eardrums

2) Two rational actors are involved in a business dispute. Failure on either's part to compromise will result in a loss. However, compromising too much will result in suboptimal results for each. What strategy should each actor choose?

a) Both should seek compromise, to avoid a loss

b) Both should seek to maximize personal optimal gain, even though this risks a loss

c) Both should seek tit-for-tat compromise and reassurance from the other, to insure maximum gain while limiting the risk of total loss

d) Sometimes I dream about Walt Disney's cryonically frozen head kissing me on my no-no special place while Goofy and Pluto restrain me with leather straps

3) You disagree with another professor who maintains an online blog. What is the highest-reward, lowest-risk strategy for dealing with such a person?

a) Engage him in substantive discourse to prove he's wrong

b) Adopt a flippant tone while glibly tweaking him

c) Expose his errors on your own blog in hopes that he can be made to understand his errors

d) Have you ever noticed that K-Mart sells shotguns, shovels, and quicklime, all in one place? People rip on K-Mart, but really, you can't beat the convenience, folks.

4) You strongly suspect your pinkies have been replaced by animatronic spy-modules by cybernetic puppet-creatures controlled by the evil aliens known as the "Rhodians." These false finger-probes report your every move to the Rhodian StarMasters, and have been keeping tabs on you since a dozen of their rape-robots repeatedly violated you during your "missing years." As a rational actor, do you...?

a) Cut off your pinkies to prove they're insectlike cyber-implants, no matter what your FUCKING QUACK RACIST ASSHOLE OF A SHRINK might think

b) Go about your daily life as normal, but never say something you wouldn't want the Rhodians to hear unless your hands are submerged in sink or bathwater, in order to block the transmissions (Note: this may require bathing/hand-washing up to 40 times per day)

c) Strangle your neighbor's cat. Mr. Frisky's probably in on it too. Can't be too careful.

d) Ohgodchrist. They're watching. They're watching RIGHT NOW. They're all... they're all Rhodians! Every fucking one of them!

Put your pencils down.


I'm... sorry... my pinkies made me say that.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

News FLASH! Hajji Girl to be Recorded!

Here's a hot flash from Associated Press:

Hajji Girl Reprieve!


Words for Public Mashup: Superman Redux

"They were easy to remember
easy to understand
and really easy to say:
Superman stood for Truth, Justice,
and the American Way!"

No one was dying to get OUT of America
But they were DYING, to get in...

The -ISMs that were killing them

kept them hungry and thin,

So they risked everything
(family, life)
to have a chance to pray
for Superman, Truth,
and the American way!"

[There's enough words to start: build your own synth tracks
or overdubbed voices or garage-band recordings and send
your MP3 to karridine at gmail dot com not later than July 9.

Winners will be announced as soon as possible thereafter,
and posted HERE for all to enjoy!]

Ignore Superman, the movie. Avoid it, and urge your friends to avoid it as well. There are better things to spend your money on!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

France and Freedom: A Look at Patriotism

Tip o'the Karridine Kepi to TwoLaneFlash, for this excellent, short post:

France & Freedom 440K


Open Letter to Superman, (writers of)

Just in time for the Fourth, a selection of tasty word-bites to savour on a sunny day:


Flyover America!


Have a GREAT DAY, celebrating rational freedom, its bounties and its burdens...

Monday, July 03, 2006


The Prince of Darkness today released a special interview, using one of his favorite 'news' channels after al-Jazeera.

Hear Interview With the Devil! (400K)

Graphic: the Devil's Dog, through whom he spoke to reporters.


HELL (AP)- In a surprise announcement today, Satan said that he is considering suing the Bush administration over which souls are sent to heaven and which to hell. "I've always felt that the system was a little unfair," the Devil stated. "Sure, we get more than enough celebrities and politicians, but frankly, after a while you get tired of dealing with a__holes." The devil indicated that he envisions a process more like the NFL draft to improve the "diversity" of the underworld. In addition, he stated that he finds the glut of suicide bombers frequenting hell to be "annoying."

The Prince of Darkness indicated that the current criteria for damnation had been around since the beginning of time, and that he thought it was time for an overhaul. When asked if the American courts had any authority in the matter, Satan replied "You know, I used to not think so. But I've come to find out that there is no area of existence where they don't think their opinion is needed. Apparently if something isn't to their liking they can dig up whatever mumbo jumbo they want in order to make it so. Plus, they've been very accommodating on the whole Ten Commandments thing."

When asked what role the Bush adminsitarion has in determining who goes to hell, satan indicated "None. But that doesn't seem to matter either. Lots of people agree with you if you say something is Bush's fault. As long as I complain loudly and long enough, I can get the one thing I can always use: Sympathy for the Devil."

Hat Tip to z9z99

Sunday, July 02, 2006

US Supreme Court -VS- Common Sense!

Its nearing midnite as I write this, but it is too important to just ignore: the US Supreme Court has ruled that ANYBODY fighting is covered by the Geneva Conventions even if they're NOT wearing a uniform, NOT using insignia, NOT from a nation/state signatory to the conventions and NOT bound by the Geneva Conventions.

There'll be MORE examination of this question later, but for now, I'm proud to share this:

SCOTUS vs America!


Graphic: Justice Stevens votes 'Yea!' for
disemboweling the Geneva Conventions.

Brain Surgery With Spoons, Reminder!

You KNOW what I mean!

A simple, delicate adjustment to the world around you, create your own job, steer your own destiny, carpe your own diem... and what happens?

You get results that look like you just performed Brain-Surgery on yourself, and forgot to even sharpen your Spoons!

Well, you've come to the ONE PLACE in the blogosphere where you can find Razor-Rimmed Spoons, Double-Edged Spoons, Stainless-Steel Chrome-Reverse Feel-Sealed Long-Handle Spoons, Eagle-Beak Quasi-Sharp Copper-Lined Ultrasonic Spoons, Lead-Crystal Squamous Sapphire Spoons... and some you ain't NEVER heard of before! (Even the ever-popular Ginzoo Spunes!)

Using words to scrape away at the accumulating, accreting and overlapping memes and tropes in our world today is like using spoons to perform delicate brain surgery!

So clamp your lid tight, button down your flaps AND your collar, and join me for the ride!


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Maelstrom of the Memes: 4th of July Weekend!

Here you have them, Faithful Friends, this week's Kountdown of the Memes, for July 2nd, the 4th of July weekend, celebrating America's courageous commitment in 1776, to ideals stating that "all men are created equal" and have "God-given rights" including "the pursuit of happiness"...

So listen as I blast out this week's:

Maelstrom of the Memes!


Maelstrom of the Memes: Countdown for the Top Ten: July 2, 2006CE

10. We lead off this week with a newly-breaking and closely watched story, “The UN in Bed with Saddam!” Five days of embarrassed silence have followed revelations by news sources detailing Kofi Annan’s foul and cynical manipulation of the “Oil for Food” program which enabled Saddam Insein to abuse the Iraqi people viciously while the UN sucked off its reward.

9. The Tour de Fwance, the cycling world’s once-highly-regarded contest of the best of the best, has this year been marred by the Fwench again, even before it begins, as the Fwench ‘authorities’ found riders Ullrich and Basso guilty of blood-doping, without tests, without proof, simply by sniffing their underwear, I guess…

Without American cycling ace Lance Armstrong, whose SEVEN Tour-de-Fwance victories will humiliate the Fwench for years to come, this was Ullrich’s last chance to win at this widely publicized, but now seriously besmirched, contest.

8. In with a bullet, Israel is taking a deep breath in preparation of the recent declaration of war by the Hamas government of the Jordyptian Third-Generation Exiles in the toxic squat outside the Holy Land. Expect some SERIOUS house-cleaning and defensive efforts, SOON, now that the Jordyptians have attacked Israel.

7. Osama bin Hidin squeezed out another tape, this one talking about Zarqawiwi and how he had been caught “lion”. Osama went on to state that "Even if we lost one of our greatest knights and and princes, we are happy that we have found a symbol for our great Islamic nations, …" bin Laden said. Knowing what a deranged, vicious, psychopathic murdering killer Zarqawi was, I have to agree with Osama.

6. Thugs: “Thugs, We Are Thugs, and We’ll Kill You Like Thugs” (except some of the Jordyptian thug-wannabees), who were humiliated again this week when they let themselves be photographed burying IEDs in the presence of THEIR OWN CHILDREN, oblivious to the danger of ‘work-accidents’! These losers and chumps are tripping over their own moral midget-hood! Which leads to our Top 5 Stories, starting with #5,

5. “Islamophobia”, noised near and far as an accusatory, blaming word hurled at rational people everywhere by Islamist-apologists, Muslim-thug-supporters and CAIR flunkies around the world is being trumpeted by leftists who are trying VERY HARD to force “Islamophobia” onto the world like something bad. That’s the meme, kind of like “There’s a truck racing toward you”-phobia, or “Get your head hacked off by Allah’u’ Ackbar”-phobia. For the dummies you deal with, its NOT an irrational fear when its based on something truly dangerous, like trucks bearing down on you, or psychopathetic thugs who want to slice your throat and shout “WallaoWackbar!” as you die!

4. Holding at #4 position this week, the war crimes committed by Jordyptian thugs on the beach of Gaza, where a cache of Jordyptian weapons and explosives accidently detonated, killing families of Jordyptians, have been duplicated THIS week, with the Pallywood Perverts filming as much of the debacle as possible, and getting the videos to news media while claiming, Israel did this! But it looks like God is NOT coming to rescue the 3rd-Generation Jordyptian exiles, this time, as they ‘taste … what their hands have wrought!’ Elect Hamas, will you?

3. Leading to this week’s #3 story, the festering New York Times treasonous, anti-American ‘leaks’ investigation. The foul stench emanating from this stercoraceous act besmirches ALL who guide the policies of the Times, and covers them in the gore of innocents!

2. Nearly at the top this week, one of those memes which is a real question: has Cpl Belile been silenced? His funny, accurate, honest dark-humor portrayal of war in Iraq has made ‘Hajji Girl’ a WINNER in the Free World… Belile, stay the course! You did NO wrong, and the American spirit was NOT sullied by your song. Only silencing you could stain the US Marines’ fine record of courage and valor in your efforts!

… And now,

1. Debuting at #1, Superman, the movie, opens for the 4th of July weekend, with a severely castrated Superman, crippled by leftist-loathing of America! This Superman movie, seeking to earn money FROM Americans, is unwilling to let Superman be FOR Americans, and instead has Superman fighting for “…truth, justice and all that stuff…” How do spineless writers get to do big movies like this? For 40 years, in DC comix, Superman fought for “…truth, justice and the American way!”

But for the Hypocrites of Hollywood, the money and fame of the American way are acceptable, but the courage, self-sacrifice, principled dignity, responsible freedom and high ideals are unacceptable!

But, it’s a forgettable movie anyway, so save your money and see ANYTHING but Superman this weekend, and spend your time and money on something American!

Enjoy this celebration of American strength, creativity and courage and I’ll see you July 9th, for the Kountdown of the Memes, at (signoff)
