Thursday, November 02, 2006

Kerry's Apologetic Slam of Stupid Americans

Here's Kerry's take on defending himself from online attacks and slurs, leading to his apology:

Kerry Apologizes! 405K
(Right-click and "Save as...")


“Bottom line, these Republicans want to debate straw men because they’re afraid to debate real men. And this time it won’t work because we’re going to stay in their face with the truth and deny them even a sliver of light for their distortions. No Democrat will be bullied by an administration that has a cut and run policy in Afghanistan and a stand still and lose strategy in Iraq.” JFKerry Press Release, late 2006

This from bill-tb:

“Kerry was against apologizing before he was for it.

Kerry has apologized for being an anti-war leftists who hates the military. Didn't say he was ashamed of what he said, just sorry you heard it. He really didn't mean to let the world know that Democrats hate the troops and hate the war. And for that he is sorry, he really didn't mean to screw up the Democrat strategy so bad.

John Kerry spoke the liberal truth, you want more liberal truth, don't vote, you will get plenty of it.

Mr Kerry, here is a news flash just for you, you voted for the Iraq war, you voted to send the troops into battle there, you voted to oust Saddam Hussein, you do not get off the hook, no matter how hard you try. Hindsight does not substitute for wisdom, and second guessing is not a strategy.

Still no Pelosi to be found, she is staying tightly wrapped in the drapes hoping you won't notice.

Apology not accepted”

Kerry, contacted by Special Foil-Helmet Telepathy-Radiation Short-Wave, said this:

“Against the advice of some so-called ‘responsible’ Democrats, I’m going to deflate every one of these on-line attacks, because I’m a real man, not a straw man, like some right-wingnut Lieber-men I know…

So, lets jump right in.

Pope Insouciance IV

Sounds like he has personally raped the English language, cut off suffixes, cut off prefixes, taped words from other lame authors into his own speeches and misquoted them, cut off prepositional phrases, blown up metaphors, randomly inserted text, razed punctuation in fashion reminiscent of Jenjis Khan, shot his mouth off for fun, poisoned young minds, and generally ravaged the political discourse of this nation in addition to the normal ravage of an election year, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the Democratic party in general and liberals in particular.

mich-again 11/1/2006 06:39PM PST

Pope Insouciance IV

He is terrorizing subjects and predicates in the middle of the night with his despicable Katrina grammar filled with cut-and-run sentences.

Well, there’s no real rebuttal needed here, as these people obviously don’t have the intelligence to understand my simple joke about President Bush!

And, to keep it short, I will NOT apologize to ANYONE for their inability to understand simple English-language jokes, parce-que c’est dommage! I will NOT apologize to Republican hit-man thugs twisting my every word just to avoid addressing the issues in Viet- Iraq! I mean, in Iraq. Iraq, that’s the quagmire Mr Bush lied to get America bogged down in, with GIs personally raping Sunni terrorists, dismembering…


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

John F Kerry: Not Imploding, Its a Meltdown!

Here are some cogent observations by Occasional Reader, Geepers & the ever-popular Egfrow, on the subject of Kerry's freefall-implosion-meltdown:

Kerry's Meltdown 726k
(Right-click and "Save as...")

Graphic: courtesy Seixon


“John F Kerry, This is YOUR Michael Dukakis Moment!

#628 Occasional Reader reminds us of: #607 Geepers:

All you have to do is watch the original video to see where the brunt of the joke was placed. He paused for the laughs from his college student audience.

You running dog of imperialist Katrina-Bush lies! Don't go indiscriminately wild! The glorious People's Revolutionary Campaign to Re-Elect Dear Leader Kerry will smash you and your criminal gang of non-manly men. The People are marching in unison against your failed policies, trampling over your straw men in their non-uniforms of this country. Do you not feel their revolutionary jackboots on your neck, puppet of the financiers that you are?

[I'm John Kerry, and I approve this message]

#4 Egfrow (Victor Davis Hanson on Kerryism)

"Kerry surely must be one of the saddest Democratic liabilities around. Some afterthoughts about his latest gaffe, which is one of those rare glimpses into an entire troubled ideology:

(1) How could John Kerry, born into privilege, and then marrying and divorcing and marrying out of and back into greater inherited wealth, lecture anyone at a city college about the ingredients for success in America? If he were to give personal advice about making it, it would have to be to marry rich women. Nothing he has accomplished as a senator or candidate reveals either much natural intelligence or singular education. Today, Democrats must be wondering why they have embraced an overrated empty suit, and ostracized a real talent like Joe Lieberman.

(2) How could Kerry possibly claim that he was thinking of the uneducated in the context of George Bush, who, after all, went to Harvard and Yale?

(3) Some of the brightest and most educated Americans are not only in the military, but veterans of Iraq. Two of the best educated minds I have met-Col. Bill Hix and Lt. Col. Chris Gibson, both Hoover Security Fellows-were both Iraqi veterans. What is striking about visiting Iraq is the wealth of talent there, from privates to generals. Without being gratuitously cruel, the problem of mediocrity is not in the ranks of the military, but on our university campuses, where half-educated professors and non-serious students killing time are ubiquitous. Personally, I'd wager the intelligence of a Marine Corps private any day over the average D.C. journalist. Every naval officer I met at the USNA, without exception, seemed brighter than John Kerry, whose "brilliance", after all, has managed to offend millions of voters on the eve of a pivotal election. If When the Democrats lose, it will be almost painful to watch the recriminations against Kerry fly. . ."

BabbaZee's Brilliant Bite-Bit!

It’s really interesting to watch as you pull what floor you had, out from under yourself! Not to put too fine a point on it, but maybe you, in your educated elite arrogance, put too much faith in non-researchers who let you speak those ‘botched joke’ lines…

…instead of learning for yourself just how well-educated America’s defense forces actually ARE!

