Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Strong Week!

A couple of observations from this past week:

Festivali De La Bonzo Gonzo Taqiyya Extravaganza 400K
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Klips! 479K
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Image Problem Solved! 461K
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And as for Thailand... well, its an ordinary Thai weekend, overcast with a South China Sea typhoon overstretching us, and intermittently drenching my struggling seedlings! NOT a happy camper!


Festivali De La Bonzo Gonzo Taqqiya Extravaganza


(Yeah, I’m on it. Going live in 5, 4, 3, 2…)

“Hey! Hallo, and welcome to the Ramadan Fast, a time of peaceful prayer and moderate purification! Hey! Talking about peaceful, it is now MORE peaceful in the world without the three lying, ignorant stooges whose bodies you see laid out behind me, with their severed heads placed on their chests…

THEY were caught defaming the Holy Prophet by saying Muslims are violent and intolerant, so we sawed off their heads with dull knives! Allah’u’Ackbar!

WE are entering Ramadan (do not call it Ramadanadingdong!) because WE are submissive to the will of God, as brought by Muhammad, who promised to send Baha’u’llah, but in Whom we DO NOT believe! He is practicing taqiyyah, lying about being the One Promised by Muhammad!

So we continue submitting to Muhammad, and acting to force everyone else to be attracted by the fragrance of our actions and the purity of our motives. We only kill you for the sake of God!

Oh, look at the clock on the wall! Mahmoud-Mickey’s big hand holds his scimitar straight up, and his little hand is over his crotch, so its time to return to scheduled, PC-appeasement broadcasting until next time!


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