Thursday, March 23, 2006

Friday Finale

"These are the headlines that try mens' souls..." to paraphrase Tom Paine. And although these are the headlines of our day, they show some of the important dynamics and flows that are shaping the times, hence giving us a chance to scrape away accumulated brain-goop with a couple sharp spoons!

Thank Goodness Its Friday!



Blogger Karridine said...

Right you are, Steven!

Not only do they whine that WE MUSLIMS have the right to STOP YOU from thinking anything offensive, but we have the right to STOP YOU from SAYING anything offensive, (like a simple report of the dead and wounded at Bali, Beslan, Manhattan, Madrid... all that reporting is "islamophobic"!)

Thanks for the headsup. I'll fix the link.

Sunday, March 26, 2006 8:04:00 PM  
Blogger Karridine said...

Steven, link just worked for me (after considerable uploading and tweaking!), so 'ave a go, Lad!

Sunday, March 26, 2006 8:18:00 PM  
Blogger Karridine said...

And, as a matter of principle, America determined long ago that 'offensive' is in the eye of the beholder. Perceiving something as 'offensive' is your right and prerogative, BUT you (or I, or anyone else) DO NOT HAVE A RIGHT to legislate YOUR perceptions into law; no right to ABRIDGE MY THOUGHTS with YOUR PERCEPTIONS!

For example: "I find white people offensive. Therefore you must eliminate white people!"

Same broken reasoning applies to 'Danish cartoons' and 'blacks' and 'Jews' and 'Gypsies' and 'homos' and 'old people' as it does to 'white people!'

Sunday, March 26, 2006 8:24:00 PM  
Blogger Karridine said...

"Hey, lissen up people! I'm one of the march organizers for responsible freedom of speech, so I've gotta let you know what our guidelines are.

If you have a question, ask one of the March Guides, they have the yellow arm-bands. Don't speak unless THEY give you permission.

Don't bring any copies of the Dread Cartoons of Blasphemy, at least, none bigger than 2" by 2 inches.

Don't insist that Freedom of Speech is an American right, even in America we don't have the 'right' to shout 'FIRE!' in an unburning, crowded building, so by extension, we have no 'right' to report the murders and mass-killings and child decapitations around the world, because these will inflame Islamophobia, -no, really! People get SCARED of Muslims, who only want to help us convert or submit to our Muslim betters, dying is a poor third choice.

What? Castration? No, you can say what you want, just get permiss-

Say again? No, this is NOT Bowdlerization.

Hey! Where y'all going? Wait! We need you to support this- Hey, STAY HERE!

Monday, March 27, 2006 11:07:00 AM  

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